Percent of visitor who visit the home page

About 90 percent of website owner are way too enamored by their website home page and spend too time perfecting it. In reality about half or less of the site’s traffic sees the home page. Do you know what this number is for your website?

Understanding the key home page statistics will help you; understand how valuable the home page is figure -02 shows that only about 28 percents of the traffic. See the home page of the website. How ever those statistics can also help provide better awareness of other opportunities. For example:- Almost 47 percent of traffic simple exit from the home page, not a good think.

You will able to assign resources optimally and focus on the other page on yours websites. And now that you have such a great understanding of how to analyze your home page. You can move on to repeat the same analysis on page you saw in your list of must popular pages viewed.

What Pages are the visiting

After you know where people come from, the next logical questions are what pages are the visiting? And how well is my home page working? The main sense; you have all this great content on your website. And so it is important to figure what people are reading. What is working for you and what is not? The reason to highlight the home is different from. What you might imagine .It’s not that it is any more important that other pages. Read on for the rationale.

Site content popularity:

Regardless there size, If website change daily, most site visitors usually consume just 20 percent of the content. It is extremely important to know which 20 percent. In my experience we are allowing surprised by that content is being consumed by our costumers. Start with the most popular pages viewed on the site.

This list offers plenty of surprised, some times it validates that the visitor are doing the “night” thing, but more often it shows that visitor are doing all those other thing on your site that your didn’t anticipate and that’s great food for though. You have the ability to turn those surprised to your advantages. You can use this information to determine what you should promote your website that will appeal to your visitor. You can also do little thing that can have a big import, such as running your most complying. Promotion on your top 10 most popular pages to ensure that a minimum number of site visitors see them.